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Peacock set- KO Colorful Effect flare filters

18 Apr,2018

2018年首批 KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 之孔雀(Peacock)系列包含18块镜片
The First set of the KO Colorful Effect Flare filters (the Peacock set) released in 2018, consist of the following 18 filters:

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 Peacock Red  1 
红孔雀 1

Peacock Red  2
红孔雀 2

Peacock Red  3
红孔雀 3

Peacock Green  1
绿孔雀  1

Peacock Green  2
绿孔雀  2

Peacock Green  3
绿孔雀  3

Peacock Golden 1
金孔雀 1
Peacock Golden 2
金孔雀 2

Peacock Golden 3
金孔雀 3

Peacock Blue  1
蓝孔雀 1

Peacock Blue  2
蓝孔雀 2

Peacock Blue  3
蓝孔雀 3

Peacock Black 1
黑孔雀 1

Peacock Black 2
黑孔雀 2

Peacock Black 3
黑孔雀 3

Buddha Light 1
佛光万丈 1

Buddha Light 2
佛光万丈 2

Buddha Light 3
佛光万丈 3

 KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 的镜片采用德国原装进口玻璃,特殊配方的镀膜工艺,经过长时间抛光打磨后让镜片具有平整曲线,再结合特殊高温镀膜工艺让镜片可以具备99.3%的通光率,努力让通过的光线达到恒定的光圈,此外镜片还包括疏水涂层和硬质涂层等镀膜工。
The KO Colorful Effect flare filters are made of German imported glass. The specially formulated coating process allows the lens to have a flattened profile after a long period of polishing, combined with a special high-temperature coating process to allow the lens to have a 99.3% light transmission rate. In order to achieve a constant aperture, the lens also includes coatings such as hydrophobic coating and hard coating.

每一块KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 是由2块镜片组成,之间镶嵌了特殊材质的彩色金属丝。这使得通过的光线在影像上形成奇特的炫光效果,使用者可以通过镜片的角度,方向及光线的变化得到独一无二的效果。当然,电影摄影师的个性和视觉美学会在使用KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 中得到充分的发挥,镜头品牌的选择,焦距,光线方向,光线强度和光线颜色的变化又会改变炫光效果及影像表达。
Each of the KO Colorful Effect flare filters consists of two lenses with a special material made of colored wire. This allows the passing light to form a unique glare effect on the image, and the user can obtain a unique effect through the change of the lens angle, direction and light. Of course, the cinematographer's personality and visual aesthetics will be fully utilized in the KO Colorful Effect flare filters. Lens brand selection, focal length, light direction, light intensity, and light color change will vary the glare effect and expressions of the image.

可以说,KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 以独特的光线折射方式并与光反应,结合这些镜片之间的不规则金属丝组合的效果,使得影像的独特性无法复制
It can be said that the KO Colorful Effect flare filters reacts with light in a unique way of light refraction and combines the effects of the irregular wire combination between these lenses, making the uniqueness of the image ‘unable to reproduce’.
 列举图片是由ARRI SXT摄影机
For example, some effect
Camera ARRI SXT, Lens: 

我们将挖掘这套KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 魅力的事情,就留给驾驭它的诸位摄影指导啦。
We will leave it to the cinematographers to dig into the charm of the KO Colorful Effect flare filters.

Accessories include
FILTER  HOLDER克诺镜片槽 尺寸7x7 1个
Wooden Camera定制的附件 2套
Peilcan派力肯运输箱 1件

KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 和FILTER HOLDER 镜片槽 及镜片支架均采用镁合金材质,充分减少了这套系统的重量,例如镜片的外框的重量只有105克。
The FILTER HOLDERS are all made of magnesium alloy, which fully reduces the weight of the system. The weight of the lens frame is only 105 grams.

FILTER HOLDER镜片槽 可以同时满足安装1片,2片或3片Peacock孔雀镜片,为此我们设计了三个红色的金属螺丝用于固定镜片,特殊螺纹的设计可以让使用者不必担心螺母脱落。
The FILTER HOLDER lens slot can be fitted with one, two or three Peacock lenses at the same time. For this purpose, we have designed three red metal screws for fixing the lenses. The special thread design avoid the nuts from falling off.

首批KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 及镜片槽等附件都集成在派力肯的防潮密封箱内,精致的机械切割及雕刻都让这套炫光镜片显示出真正的专业品质。
The first set of the KO Colorful Effect flare filters and lens holders are all integrated in a Pelican's moisture-proof sealed case, the exquisite mechanical cutting and engraving shows true professional quality of the filter.

FILTER HOLDER镜片槽 在外框四角,我们预留了相同的固定螺丝孔,可以让色片槽以任意角度和倾斜度固定在镜头前。无论您选择什么样的角度使用这套炫光镜片,Wooden Camera定制的支架附件都可以满足。
On the four corners of the FILTER HOLDER slot, we reserve the same fixing screw hole to allow the filters to be fixed in front of the lens at any angle and inclination as desired. Regardless of the angle you choose to use this filter, the custom made frame attachment from Wooden Camera will satisfy all your need.

KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 是KO TECH在2018年发布的首款系列色片,目前我们已经装配了2套提供给国内市场,计划在2018年3月我们会再装配完毕2套。而在2018年上半年,我们也会陆续完善该系列的余下炫光镜片。
 The KO Colorful Effect Flare filters lens is only the first series of color filters released by KO TECH in 2018. At present, we have assembled two sets for the domestic market. We plan to assemble two more sets in March 2018 and gradually improve the rest of the series in the first half of 2018.

展望未来,在2018年我们会扩大KO Colorful Effect 克诺炫光镜片 的涉猎范围,计划推出4个系列,不少于80款风格各异的特殊炫光镜片和滤色镜片,并计划在2018年下半年开始接受特殊炫光镜片和滤色镜片的定制服务。
 Looking ahead, we will expand the scope of the KO Colorful Effect flare filters in 2018. We plan to introduce 4 series and no less than 80 special filters of different styles. In the second half of 2018, we will begin to the service of producing customized filter lenses for special needs on request

作为影视技术服务者,克诺人知道最美丽的影像偶尔也会违反传统规则,希望未来的KO Filter克诺滤色片可以打破这一切
 As a technical service provider for film and television, the KO knows that the "most beautiful images" occasionally violate the "traditional rules" and hope that the future KO Filters will be “made to break rules”!

 为了更好的服务于选择克诺的摄影指导和摄制组,克诺下大力度创办KO TECH,设计并研发特种设备及特殊实用性的专业影视设备。目前此系列炫光镜片研发及生产由KO TECH主要负责,直接服务于克诺影视设备租赁,不对外售卖。该系列的所有产品,已经申请国家专利。KO TECH在2017年成功设计并生产了KO U-dolly 克诺移动道莱车及全系列附件共12套,并改良国外产品,生产出5套KO 8800 摇臂。所有附件相互通用。
 In order to better serve our cinematographers and film crews, KO FILM has put in a great amount of effort in setting up KO TECH to design and develop professional filming equipment for special equipment applications. For the time being, this series of flare filters are uniquely designed by KO TECH for the rental market and NOT FOR SALE. All products in this series have already applied for national patents. In 2017, KO successfully designed and manufactured the KO U-dolly, a mobile carriages and a full range of accessories that includes 12 parts, as well as the KO 8800 Jib-arm, an improved version of a western jib-arm that includes five sets of accessories which can be used in combination.

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